ASM 2024
Guidelines for Participating via Remote Communication and Voting in Absentia
The Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (ASM) of Suntrust Resort Holdings, Inc. (Suntrust or the Corporation) is scheduled on October 29, 2024 (Tuesday) at 9:00 AM, with the end of trading hours of The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. on October 9, 2024 as the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to the notice of, to attend, and to vote at such meeting and any adjournment thereof.
In view of health and safety concerns, Suntrust shall be holding the ASM via remote communication and voting in absentia shall be allowed pursuant to Sections 23 and 57 of the Revised Corporation Code and Securities and Exchange Commission Memorandum Circular No. 6, series of 2020.
Notice to Stockholders
Definitive Information Statement (DIS)
Registration and Validation
Stockholders who wish to attend or be represented at the 2024 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting are required to register for the meeting. The following documentary requirements must be submitted either in PDF or JPG format to the Office of the Corporate Secretary via e-mail at corporatesecretary@suntrusthomedev.com on or before 18 October 2024:
For Certificated Individual Stockholders
1. Valid government-issued ID with photograph and signature of the stockholder
2. Stock certificate number/s
3. Active alternate e-mail address, if available, and landline or mobile phone number
4. Duly accomplished proxy form
For Certificated Individual Stockholders Who are Joint Owners
1. Valid government-issued ID with photograph and signature of each joint stockholder
2. Stock certificate number/s
3. Active alternate e-mail address, if available, and landline or mobile phone number of each joint stockholder
4. If the joint stockholders are appointing one of them as authorized representative, duly notarized proof of the chosen joint stockholder’s authority to represent the other joint stockholder/s
5. Duly accomplished proxy form
For Certificated Corporate Stockholders
1. Secretary’s Certificate for domestic corporations or equivalent document for foreign corporations showing the authority of the individual named in the proxy form to represent the corporate stockholder and sign and submit the form
2. Stock certificate number/s
3. Valid government-issued ID with photograph and signature of the corporate stockholder’s authorized representative/signatory
4. Active alternate e-mail address, if available, and landline or mobile phone number through which the corporate stockholder and/or its authorized representative/signatory can be reached
5. Duly accomplished proxy form
For Stockholders Who Hold Scripless Shares or Shares Lodged with the PDTC or a Broker
1. Broker’s certification as to the number of shares owned by the stockholder
2. Valid government-issued ID with photograph and signature of the individual stockholder or authorized representative/signatory of the corporate stockholder
3. For corporate stockholders, Secretary’s Certificate for domestic corporations or equivalent document for foreign corporations showing the authority of the individual named in the proxy form to represent the corporate stockholder and sign and submit the form
4. Stock certificate number/s
5. Active alternate e-mail address, if available, and landline or mobile phone number of the individual stockholder or, in the case of a corporate stockholder, the alternate e-mail address, if available, and landline or mobile phone number of the corporate stockholder and/or its authorized representative/signatory
6. Duly accomplished proxy form
The Office of the Corporate Secretary will validate the submitted registration requirements on 24 October 2024. Only registration requirements submitted not later than the deadline will be validated. Only validated stockholders will be recognized for purposes of the 2024 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting.
Stockholders who/that submitted registration requirements should expect an e-mail response from the Office of the Corporate Secretary within three (3) business days from submission of registration documents. If you do not receive a reply from the Office of the Corporate Secretary within the said period, please send a follow-up e-mail to corporatesecretary@suntrusthomedev.com.
Registered stockholders can cast their votes for specific items in the agenda by accomplishing and submitting the proxy/ballot form for the 2024 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting.
The duly accomplished proxy/ballot form and supporting document, if applicable, must be submitted together with the other registration requirements of the stockholder. Only proxy/ballot forms received not later than 18 October 2024 will be validated. Only validated proxies will be recognized for purposes of the meeting.
ASM Livestream
The 2024 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting will be broadcasted live and stockholders who/that have successfully registered can participate via remote communication. The video conferencing URL will be e-mailed to the registered stockholders.
Questions from Stockholders
Stockholders may send their questions in advance by e-mailing them to the Office of the Corporate Secretary at corporatesecretary@suntrusthomedev.com not later than 28 October 2024.
For any clarifications, please contact our Office of the Corporate Secretary through corporatesecretary@suntrusthomedev.com.